Hosting Services

hostingIntegrity Schools is keenly aware of the expectation of server reliability and security. Our servers are housed in a state-of-the-art datacenter built to Tier-Three specifications with redundant power sources and direct access to multiple high-speed internet connections. These servers are protected from physical harm and technical attack using hardware firewalls and sophisticated software tools to detect uninvited or unintended activities, such as hacker attacks or viruses. We engage in an annual audit of our data center processes and programming practices and a monthly audit of our systems, performed by an independent third-party, to ensure compliance with CISP and HIPAA security standards.

Recognizing that each business has its own storage requirements for hosting, Integrity Schools works with clients to determine what hosting package best suits their needs. Hosting with Integrity Schools provides the following benefits:

  • Sites are hosted in a stable server environment
  • Servers are monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Nightly security updates and malware scans are completed nightly to ensure that your websites are safe and secure and remain online
  • Our web application firewall protects your e-commerce site from cross site scripting, SQL injection, bot crawling, email harvester, and denial of service (DDoS) attacks. This keeps your site running safely and securely and protects your website’s reputation.
  • Full site backups taken on a daily basis and stored in an offsite facility.
  • Applications won't be slowed down due to server overload
  • Additional storage space is always available
  • Clients may access their site/application using SFTP or FTP over SSL
  • Local help is only a phone call away!

Contact us today to find out how hosting with Integrity Schools can provide an edge to your business in today's market.