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Platform Migrations and System Upgrades

upgradeMany of our clients have been using their existing systems for many years and are generally happy with them.  At some point, however, all of our clients must address the inherent software limitations that arise due to aging hardware and software platforms, backwards compatibility issues, obsolescence, and adaptation of new standards.

Integrity Schools’ system upgrade and migration services team can offer the following services to your business:

  • Upgrading hardware and software platforms to improve performance and extend application supportability.
  • Migrating to a hosted platform to eliminate aging hardware and software that is no longer supported by the original vendor.
  • Converting your historical data to a new database platform or structure when replacing your existing application with a new (different) solution.
  • Providing business continuity for mission critical applications.
  • Removal of unnecessary customizations.
  • The ability to integrate with new or pre-existing systems.

Integrity Schools’ two-step migration process allows you to test both your existing and updated application versions side by side.  This allows you to test all critical features and balance reports to ensure a complete migration, and minimize downtime when cutting over to the new system.

If you have an aging CRM, accounting system, e-commerce platform, or other line of business (LOB) application, contact Integrity Schools today to find out how we can help you safely move to a new or updated platform.