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Consultation and Data Mapping

Schools’ data is stored in different systems, sometimes in different forms, and each system may have unique storage schemas and integration capabilities. Creating a data map between your Information Systems is the way to visualize how data could move between systems in near-real-time, and in an automated fashion. Our data mapping takes into account the disparate sources of data, idiosyncratic field names and schemas, as well as the various methods for moving data into and out of each system. In the end, we will help identify the authoritative source system for each type of data, and develop the blueprint for integrating with your other Information Systems that also use that data. Integrating Systems eliminates redundant data entry, greatly reducing the number of data entry mistakes and discrepancies, and freeing up your busy personnel to focus on helping students succeed.

  • A Data Integration Specialist from Integrity Schools will work closely with a core team of system analysts and directors to define and develop your district's integration needs.
  • We approach the conversation as “Architects” and "Designers" of Integrated Systems and Infrastructure, with access to a wide variety of integration and development tools, including the Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF), SQL and ETL processes, CSV transformations, custom APIs and more.
  • A business process consultation and discovery is the first step toward determining the consistency and quality of data entry into source and destination systems, and will result in specific recommendations regarding process change and improvement.
  • The Data Integration Specialist from Integrity Schools will then analyze each system's SIF and data integration capabilities and compare those to the needs identified by your stakeholders in the district.
  • A standardized set of deliverables will be produced in order to plan and document the proposed SIF Implementation. An initial project plan for the implementation phase will be prepared and presented; including a granular “blueprint” defining the data mapping from source application(s) to destination application(s), including field source and destination, along with applied translation/transformation algorithms for data. The set of deliverables may then act as the blueprint or roadmap for implementation and data integration.