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Implementation and Data Integration

With the district’s data map in hand, implementation begins the actual work of putting all the pieces together. With a wide variety of data integration techniques at our disposal, we will develop, install and configure the necessary software and hardware components to bring the integration to fruition. Using flexible project management techniques, we are also able to make adjustments on the fly, fully tailoring and customizing the integration to your needs.

  • After your core team approves the data mapping plan, the Project Manager and Data Integration Specialist from Integrity Schools will coordinate the tasks associated with the implementation. These tasks include installation of any hardware and software, configuring and securing servers and networks, and otherwise implementing the integration solution as outlined in the data mapping plan, including the development of custom solutions tailored to the district.
  • For SIF-enabled applications, this includes installing and configuring SIF Agents and Zone Integration Server (ZIS) software, testing SIF Agent messaging, testing SIF data quality, and synchronizing the SIF Agents in the zone. We are also often asked to act as the district’s source for SIF software licensing and renewals for SIF integration software and licenses, streamlining the purchase order and licensing process for the district.
  • Upon completion of the implementation, we will coordinate with the core team and stakeholders to review the implemented processes, and schedule testing and refining of the solutions as they apply to the day-to-day operations of the district.
  • Once approved by final review, the data integration is completed and all integrations become live, with the flow of data between systems occurring in near-real-time.