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Business Intelligence Solutions

Data-driven decision-making is vital in tracking student achievement by targeting and identifying individual student needs, and collecting the information needed for resource allocation. The more educators know about each student, the more focused the learning can be to the needs of that student. With a vision of “If we can measure it; we can improve it,” Achievement Gateway is a tool designed to provide a consolidated view of daily operational data coming from multiple disparate sources. It is a productive portal for staff to access student data as well as a resource for the statistical analysis of historical test scores and grade data tied to curricular objectives and standards.

  • A Business Intelligence solution begins with the questions that your district’s educators and administrators might ask about its data. Some examples might include “What happened to fifth grade reading scores over the past 2 years?”, “Why are math metrics trending down across all assessments in eighth grade?”, “What is the average number of discipline incidents per month across all high schools for the past five years?”, or “How many additional professional development hours do we need to budget for next year?”
  • Business intelligence solutions are typically comprised of several software components, including a data warehouse and analytics applications. These components, when working together, enable efficient reporting and quick, consistent answers to these questions. Integrity Schools believes that a combination of SIF architecture in concert with a variety of supplementary data integration tools and platforms provides the best and most efficient way to consolidate data from multiple source systems for use within business intelligence solutions for schools. We have significant experience in building SIF-based business intelligence solutions with supplementary processes to fill in the gaps, which will address the specific needs of your district.