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Our History


The Beginning

Integrity Technology Solutions is founded and provides managed IT, technical consulting, and software development services for small businesses and pK-12 software providers and school districts.


The SIF Association (now the Access 4 Learning Community) was formed as the result of meetings between educators, Microsoft, and 18 other companies to facilitate interoperability between education applications.


Integrity Technology Solutions joins the SIF Association and offers SIF Implementation and SIF Agent Development services.


The company completes development of its Data Warehouse SIF Agent, Operational Data Store, and Assessment Load Assistant products to provide pK-12 school districts with an economical date warehousing and reporting solution.


Integrity Schools Launched

Integrity Schools is launched as an independent company focused exclusively on pK-12 software providers and school districts.  The company provides technical consulting, software development, SIF Implementation, and SIF Agent Development services.


IlliniData System is Developed

Integrity Schools joins the Achievement Gap Task Force and develops the IlliniData System (also known as the Achievement Gateway) in cooperation with State Farm Insurance Companies, Bloomington Public Schools District 87, and McLean County Unit District 5.  This Learning Management System provides ready access to specific, timely information about student learning and provides a roadmap for planning, intervention, and instruction.   The system is widely adopted by school districts and becomes the model for the Illinois Shared Learning Environment (ISLE).


2011 - Present

Integrity Schools Acquisition

Integrity Schools is acquired by White Oak Technology Group and expands into a comprehensive data integration and application interoperability services provider for pK-12 districts offering integration between literally any system using SIF, custom ETL processes, application APIs, and secure file transfers.